GUS Daily Digest Fri, 7 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 7 Today's Topics: "Next Gus" ? And "Interwave" ? Bioforge with GUS and SB16 GUS and VFW1.1d GUS and VFW 1.1d and QT 2.0 GUSMAX & CAKEWALK GUSMAX And PAS16 Gus w/ Win95 - How? More on Atari Action Pack... Older GUS boards pmw116 replacement Subject: Mixing DRAM speed on GUS? The future of GUS drivers? Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 11:06:38 -0700 (PDT) From: KOZARD@uvphys.phys.UVic.CA Subject: "Next Gus" ? And "Interwave" ? I thought I just read a message in digest V21 #6 that said something about the next GUS. Last time I wrote to Gravis (giving my humble opinion on ways to improve the GUS) they wrote back telling me I didn't know how to use the card or know what I was talking about. (I told them 1mb wasn't enough... I think THEY don't know what they are talking about.) So is there a "NEXT GUS" ? Did they wake up and figure out that 1mb isn't enough for much more than the average game ? (I use the GUS for music.) Anyways, any gossip on future Gravis cards would be nice 8^) (Or I'll sell the MAX and get a pair of MAUI cards and 8 mb for each of them.) Cheers Ken ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 14:36:48 -0500 From: ron.b@MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU (Ron Blancarte) Subject: Bioforge with GUS and SB16 Anyone have any luck getting this game to work for General MIDI sound? I am not worried about the SFX, I have the SB16 to do those, but I was hoping that the game had Ultrasound Support (after WC3 was that too much to ask?). Anyway, if you have gotten the game to work with mega-em then please let me know, the SB16 sounds rather "bland" RonB +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ron Blancarte | | The University of Texas | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:49:32 +0200 From: Piet van Oostrum Subject: Re: GUS and VFW1.1d >>>>> (Royce Liao) (RL) writes: RL> Sorry if this is a FAQ, but where does one obtain VFW 1.1d? RL> Microsoft's FTP site has no trace of VFW. It is there on Softlib/MSLFILES/VFW11D.EXE. There are also copies in and -- Piet van Oostrum ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 14:48 -0400 From: DANTONIO@PROCESS.COM (Momentary Language, Sexual Situations) Subject: GUS and VFW 1.1d and QT 2.0 > Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 21:55:16 -0400 (EDT) > From: (Royce Liao) > Subject: GUS and VFW1.1d > Sorry if this is a FAQ, but where does one obtain VFW 1.1d? It's out on Microsoft's FTP site, but it's not called anything obvious like VFW 1.1...Try using a Web browser to search the site. That's how I found it. > Also, I see Quicktime 1.1.1 everywhere, but what about 2.0 (for Windows)? That's because it's "commercial." Compu$erve has it for $10, CD-ROM magazine (March Issue) had it on their included CD. I'd bet they'll have it on their other issues as well. DDA ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 00:58:32 -0700 (PDT) From: Marty Danko -Khertz- Subject: GUSMAX & CAKEWALK Hello GUSers, In cakwalk for windows, I am composig some music. I have a bass sample (60hz) that I made and I am creating somewhat of a techno song. I am really puzzled... how can I have an insturment (.pat) that will sustain (for holding the bass sample) BUT, completely stop playing (ie: you cannot hear it or the note is terminated on the channel) when a second note is played on the channel. See, I want to hold bass sometimes for mabey 5 seconds then other times I want to do repititous notes (all on the same channel) the only thing I can think of is to somehow set up the channels so that only ONE note can be active on that certain channel at a time. It really sucks when TWO frequences of bass are active at the same time and yer speakers FREQout (:^|)-->----< any help apressiated (sp?) thanks guys! ---------------------- Marty Danko ---------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 08:36:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Jeff Angeles Subject: GUSMAX And PAS16 Does anyone know how to get these two working? Any help is appreciated. Jeff Angeles ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 12:57:10 -1000 From: (Neil Danylczuk) Subject: Gus w/ Win95 - How? Anyone know the best (or rather any way) to get the GUS (rev. 2.x) to work under the Windows 95 pre-release. I believe it is build 347. When I try to use or install GUS drivers I get various errors like MSGSVR32 must be terminated or RUNDLL32 must be terminated. ---------\ Neil D /--------- Neil Danylczuk PCS (Professional Computer Services) Phone: (306) 787-1080 Regina, SK, Canada ---------/\--------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 11:31:19 -0400 (EDT) From: Tommy Lee Subject: More on Atari Action Pack... On Thu, 6 Apr -1, someone wrote: > > > So, the only way you'll get sounds is if you buy an FM synthesis card. > An Adlib compatible card should be enough... Actually this isn't completely true. Some of the sounds seem to have been sampled from the original games. For example with Kaboom!, I believe all the sounds are sampled (the splashing bombs, crackling wicks and so on). On Thu, 6 Apr -1, someone else wrote: > > I don't own it yet, but I plan to buy it later today. > But, before you blame the GUS, I hope you understand that > these games use the original Activision game code and run > under an emulator. The sound and music is supposed to be identical > to the original games. In other words, digital sound was almost non > existant in the old days. The only sounds you should receive are the By "digital" sound I didn't mean that the 2600 had digital sound, but that he action pack used samples of the original sound effects. > authentic beeps of the original Atari. I doubt there is > multichannel digital mixing available in these games. If you are not > hearing any beeps or similar terrible sounds then there is something > wrong. Otherwise, the terrible cut off sounds are probably the originals > I'm actually very dissapointed with the action pack. You'd think a 486-33 which must be who knows how many 100s of time more powerful than a 2600 could at least run the software at full speed, and very easily too. But no... Believe it or not this thing requires about 5 megs of disk space (2600 games are only about 4k each!), and wants a 10 meg permanent swap file. Sheesh... I have a c64 emulator with native gus support that runs *much* smoother, and who know how many 10s of time more powerful a c64 is than a 2600.. Argh, the "power" of windows at work, I suppose. Plus, you can get all the c64 games you want very easily. Tommy. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 13:29:32 -1000 From: (Neil Danylczuk) Subject: Older GUS boards NOTE: I wouldn't say this is a flame, so much as a pilot light: I am an owner of one of the older gus boards. Mine is one of the original series, sent out as test boards for developers way way back. I think my serial number is #173 or close to that. The board has numerous leads not clipped off, last minute wiring changes, jumper wires on the board, and pairs of resistors 'tented' together where the correct resistor was not available. It looks like a hacker project. But, the thing has worked beautifully. I never get the 'Ultraclick' problem that everyone talks about. Since adding a radio shack ground loop isolator, I get crystal clear sound in almost everything. Up until about 6 months ago, all the various emulators worked as good as they were supposed to. But, there were a number of new games with compatibility problems, and some old packages, too. Multimedia in Windows was less slick than with soundblaster. I eagerly anticipated these new version of SBOS and Mega-em that would help. Gravis offered an update to the GUS Max, but I was assured that there was no difference between plain GUS and GUS Max if one didn't want CD Rom interface or recording. So I skipped the special offer. Then, finally the new, supposedly much improved SBOS came out. Problem? It's named MAXSBOS and it requires the Gus Max. Huh!? Of course I tried it anyway, with various switches and could never get anything impressive out of it. There was some talk about a version coming out for plain gus later. Suddenly I start hearing about a Crystal Codec. Apparently the GUS Max is different than plain gus. Maybe the new emulators will never work on my card... So I fume and wait. Eventually the much anticipated Mega-Em comes out. The interface, set up, etc is nice. I read the whole readme. Looks good. I run the sucker, and get the message stating: "You have a pre version 2.7(?) board. Don't count on this working!" What's going on now? There are more hardware differences going on? I'm starting to get the feeling my plain GUS is pretty much abandoned. Anyone else getting the same feeling? I have been patiently waiting and promoting GUS for approximately 3 years, and this is the result? So I reconciled myself to the idea that my plain GUS will never be a terrific games card, except for the (rare) perfectly programmed native GUS games. The best I could hope for is to use it as a multimedia (.midi, .wav, cd) board under Windows. So I install Windows 95. I have a very funky clone setup, with different drivers, On Track disk manager, unusual video card, weird bus, new monitor, old BIOS, multiple printers, special drivers, etc. Windows recognizes everything and automatically fixes and updates every device but one - you guessed it. The Ultrasound. In fact, the ultrasound screws the Win95 install so badly, the OS never completes loading. I have to tinker and remove all traces of the ultrasound just to get Win95 to boot. Gravis should get on the stick and put some decent and reliable drivers together for Windows 95. And I'd rather not entertain any discussion about them waiting for the release product. MS is putting out about a half-million copies of the pre-release, but I think they are accepting more orders than that. Each pre-release might get installed to 1-5 machines, as they are licenced to companies, not individuals. That means one hell of a lot of Win95 users, starting now. Not to start an OS war, but I can see Win95 base exceeding Warp base within a few months, perhaps weeks. If Gravis waits for the final release they will be quite sorry, as their card will have built a reputation for being useless with Windows 95. That's it for now - I'd be happy to hear any contrasting/supporting opinions. From, A not quite disgusted, maybe more disillusioned Gus fan. ---------\ Neil D /--------- Neil Danylczuk PCS (Professional Computer Services) Phone: (306) 787-1080 Regina, SK, Canada ---------/\--------- ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 22:36:06 -0400 From: (Jeff Dunn) Subject: pmw116 replacement Message-ID: I would like to know where I can obtain the patch or replacment files for dos4gw. I was told by someone in a usenet group it was called pmw116 and given an ftp site however it was unknown. Any help or info where to get this file would be helpful. Also if this file is so good, why don't we see it on the gravis board? I was told that the file would run doom and other games better, and allow gus to use the higher irqs above 7. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 09:53:36 +0100 (BST) From: "J.Waghorn" Subject: Re: Subject: Mixing DRAM speed on GUS? On Thu, 6 Apr -1, GUS Server wrote: > > I have a 256k GUS, and I am planning to upgrade the RAM to 1 meg. > > One question, though. Is it OK to mix DRAMS of different speeds on > the GUS? > Well On mine I have 1 x 60ns, 5 x 70ns, 1 x 80ns and 1 x 100ns as my 8 chips (it came with the 60ns and the 100ns as standard) TTFN Jason -- Jason Waghorn Tel: (+44) 0191 515 2865 Research Assistant Fax: (+44) 0191 515 2703 S.E. & A.T. University of Sunderland WWW: Sunderland e-mail: SR1 3SD or: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 7 Apr 1995 16:33:25 +1000 (EST) From: Thaddaeus Kong Subject: The future of GUS drivers? Will someone in the know tell us whether all future versions of the drivers for GUS will require boards with rev 3.xx and above? Seems to be the case and even worst, probably even requires the codec on the MAX. Also, what can we expect from the OS/2 drivers (I could have sworn someone said the drivers were "coming soon".... two years ago.) I want to know so that I can decide the future of my card (the ORIGINAL GUS rev 2.2). ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #7 ****************************** To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).